- Starting from January 1, 2016, all MOOG products, installed on passenger cars that are not used for professional and commercial purpose, are guaranteed in the European countries listed below to be free from defects in material and workmanship, under normal use and service, for 3 years from the date of installation. The remedy for breach of this guarantee is limited to free exchange of product, proven to be defective, and limited to one replacement part during the guarantee period. Liability for neglect, misuse, incidental, direct, indirect and consequential damages is specifically disclaimed.
- Normal wear and tear is not subject to guarantee reimbursement.
- The allegedly defective part must be returned to your MOOG reseller or installer.
- The MOOG reseller or installer will escalate the claim up to the distributor of Federal-Mogul Motorparts products. The latter must return the allegedly defective part to the Federal-Mogul Motorparts Aftermarket EMEA Warranty Department, properly labeled with reference to the Federal-Mogul Motorparts Aftermarket EMEA Warranty Claim Form and accompanied with a copy of this Warranty Claim Form specifically defining: car installer business name, address and telephone, part number, make-model-year, explanation of the defect, date of installation and removal, mileage at installation and removal, signature of the installer. In addition, the requester must provide a copy of the original invoice showing the date of sale to the consumer and, if applicable, a copy of the wheel alignment report.
- The Warranty Claim Form is available via your local Federal-Mogul Motorparts Aftermarket EMEA contact.
- The guarantee does not include the cost of labor for the removal and installation or any additional costs. Reimbursement of these costs is subject for approval by the Federal-Mogul Motorparts Aftermarket EMEA Warranty Manager.
- The three year guarantee is voided if the product has not been fitted by a professional installer.
- The guarantee is voided if the product has been subject to misuse, accident, improper installation, maintenance or improper application. e.g. MOOG LV parts installed on vehicles used for off-road and racing purposes, taxis, commercial, fleet, police cars and other government vehicles, parts that have been transferred from one vehicle to another, vehicles with a modified chassis, overloaded vehicles and damage caused by external sources such as impact from stones and hitting speed bumps with inappropriate speed.
- Countries in which the 3 years guarantee is applicable: All European Union countries, Norway, Switzerland, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia.
- Federal-Mogul Motorparts Aftermarket EMEA reserves the right to reject guarantee hereunder, in case of non-compliance with the required procedure and/or in case of missing attestations.